Zhanel Askarbek beszámoló

Last Friday we visited a cozy farm. This farm had its own program for kindergarten children, which made me very happy. After all, children can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, and become closer to nature. It is also very educational and relaxing. I really enjoyed my time there. I was able to relax, touch the animals and observe the Hungarian traditions. It was also a lot of fun to spend time with teachers and students. While I was spending my time on the farm, I remembered my village in Kazakhstan. I immediately felt warm in my heart. It was also very interesting to dance the traditional Hungarian dance.Learn a lot of interesting stories about traditions and the names of many things . In general, I am very glad that I was able to visit this farm, and that children can enjoy the program organized in this place, take care of the animals, play with them, learn more about their traditions.


Legutóbbi frissítés: 2024. 05. 09. 09:36